Happy New Year - can't wait for the Aussie Titles!

Ringing in the new year is time for resolutions - what better resolution can you make than getting your VX out more this year than last!  The new merch is running hot this summer and with the Nationals around the corner, you'll want to grab yourself some gear!  

Australian Championship! The nationals are also just around the corner, with preparations at the Royal Prince Alfred YC well under way on the beautiful Pittwater.  Time to get your membership up to date, entry in and also complete a crew declaration - all linked through this website.  Please also note that boats need to be measured and ready to go before the regatta - contact your local measurer to arrange this now.  This is also a good time to brush up on the class rules and technical committee documentation - in particular, it is required to have the white bands on the boom and mast.


The VX One

The VX One is a modern and light one-design sports boat that has great form stability instead of a deep heavy keel.  It accelerates quickly and sails at wind speed downwind with speeds reaching up to 24 knots. The flat stern sections and chines make it easy to control.  The layout of the VX One is clean and simple, the rig infinately adjustable but set in place for each race.  The self-tacking jib and single line to launch and douse the spinnaker makes it easy to control for a crew of 2 or 3 in all conditions.  This overall simplicity and "ease of use" allows sailors to focus on sailing the boat, on the competition, on the race, and not on minor tweaks that distract and may inevitably have minimal impact. 

With a fast growing fleet in Australia, 50 plus boats sailing and 12 imported in the last year alone, there are no signs of this growth slowing down.  A strict one design but "open" class mentality makes for a short learning curve, great open dock talk and fierce on water competition.  This is definately a class to get in on! 

The VX One is a class for the future, exciting, affordable and very competitive.  A class for the sailors and it's gaining traction with sailors at levels.

What's not to love?  Time to get on board.

Looking for some action...