QLD Coaching Weekend
Queensland Coaching Weekend
Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron
2nd - 3rd December 2023
Hi all VX One skippers and crew,
The VX One Committee has organised and will fund a training weekend on the 2nd and 3rd December, ahead of the QLD State Championships. RQYS Club Coach Adrian Finglas will be with the fleet for racing on Saturday to provide on-the-spot feedback and to help shape the session on Sunday. Adrian will be with us for a VX One on-water training session from 2:00 to 5:00 on the Sunday with potential to continue the debrief after that.
The main purpose is to help close up the distance from front to back of our fleet and make our racing even more exciting. As such we will look to have some of the consistent top performers help in the coaching process and perhaps swap skippers or crew amongst the boats where that is wanted. We will also have video from the day, which will help everyone involved.
Please indicate by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or SMS to 0418231717 if you intend to attend…hopefully both sessions.
Thank you to RQYS for hosting this event.
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